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Lent Continues......
I pray everyone is doing well in these difficult and uncertain times. On Friday, March 20 the APA Bishops directed that all in-person...
Uncertain Times......
O most mighty and merciful God, in this time of grievous sickness, we flee unto thee for succour. Deliver us, we beseech thee, from our...
A Busy Lenten Season Continues......
Scott is starting the process of becoming a lay reader, joining Mike, Earl, and Jim. Scott served as an acolyte this past Sunday. Thank...
Lent Begins!
In preparation for Lent, we celebrated Shrove Tuesday at Perkins. Lots of good food (including pancakes!), coffee, and conversation!...
Wonderful Week at St. Peter's!
Father Scott and his lovely wife, Rebecca, joined us this past Sunday for Holy Communion. We enjoyed so much meeting Rebecca and hope...
A Lovely Luncheon!
Another wonderful luncheon served up by Claudia, Diane, and Carole. They served bean stew, potato soup, and homemade chocolate cake!...
Beautiful Music
Our very talented musical members, Sue and Scott, are part of The Symphony of the Mountains and are participating in the wonderful show...
When does Spring start????
Unfortunately, snow in the mountains prevented Deacon Shoup from visiting us this past Sunday. However, Earl stepped in and led a lovely...
A Quiet Week
Jim led a beautiful Morning Prayer service this past Sunday. Jim presented a sermon by Fr. Scott discussing the Gospel lesson from...
A Very Busy Week!
Mike led a beautiful morning prayer service this past Sunday. The wonderful sermon he chose was based on the Epistle reading from Romans...
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