The Most Reverend Chandler Holder Jones SSC is Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of the Eastern United States and Presiding Bishop of the Anglican Province of America.
A native of Surry County, North Carolina, and a graduate of Emory and Henry College (BA) and Duke University Divinity School (MDiv), with graduate studies at Dominican House of Studies, Washington, DC, he has been priested for twenty-five years and has served congregations in Virginia, Maryland, Florida, and Georgia. He has also studied English literature at Exeter College, University of Oxford, England, and Anglican history at the King’s School, Canterbury Cathedral. A convert to the Continuing Anglican Church movement, he has been a Continuing Anglo-Catholic for over thirty years. He was consecrated to the Episcopate as Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese in 2010 and was elected Bishop Coadjutor in 2019. He became Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese in July 2021. He has been married for twenty-one years to Megan Baskwill Jones - together, they have four children.

We are a parish of the Diocese of The Eastern United States (DEUS) in the Anglican Province of America, a part of the historic Holy Catholic Church, tracing its teachings and ministry to the early Apostolic Church. It is a part of the worldwide Continuing Traditional Anglican Movement.
In our worship, we use the Book of Common Prayer, 1928 edition. This edition contains prayers and affirmations of faith dating to the beginning of Christianity and the traditional Anglican / Episcopal liturgy. This liturgy has been continuously used since it was first published in 1549.
Parishes actively participate in the service. As an expression of devotion, it is customary to kneel for prayers and while receiving the Holy Communion unless a person is physically unable to do so. We sit to receive instruction as we do when scriptural lessons are read or when a sermon is given. We stand in reverence at the reading of the Holy Gospel and in affirming our faith when reciting the Creed. We also stand to sing praise to God in our hymns.
We adhere to the practice of individuals being confirmed by a Bishop of valid Apostolic Succession before receiving Holy Communion. This is a balance between catholic and reformed teaching and is Scripturally based, partly on St. Paul's words in I Corinthians 11:29, "discerning the Lord's body." We teach and believe that children are covered by Baptismal grace. At the age of discretion, children are given Catechism and Confirmation instruction, after which they receive the Sacrament of Confirmation conferred by a Bishop and their “first communion.”

Rev. Dr. Paul A. F. Castellano is an Anglican Catholic Priest serving the congregation of St. Peter the Apostle Anglican Church. Fr. Paul has a B.A., M.A. (in philosophy); M.A. in Religion (theology/philosophy/apologetics); Th.M., PhD. In Ecclesiastical Theology (with an emphasis in liturgical theology and liturgical worship) and is currently working on a second PhD at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. He did post graduate work at the University of Strasbourg, France and PhD work at North-West University - Potchefstroom Campus - as well as South African Theological Seminary, both in South Africa. He was raised a Roman Catholic, became theologically aware as a Presbyterian, and became a High Church Anglican as a result. He has taught at middle school, university, and seminary levels.
Originally from Manhattan, he has lived all over the U.S. and various foreign countries, spending the last 43 years in Southern California, before moving to Tennessee about 2 years ago. He was a young liberal in the 60's and attempted to travel to Woodstock to protest the Vietnam War. Circumstances of life led him to enlist in the military in 1975; serving until he was medically discharged from the US Marine Corps with a back injury in 1986. He was a 911 dispatcher for 10 years and transitioned into a Customer Service Director of Training in Development for the next 10 years before moving into full time Ordained Ministry. He has ministered in Evangelical, Baptist, and Presbyterian Churches, and has been in the Continuing Anglican Movement for 30+ years, holding ministerial positions in AZ, CA, NC, AL, and now TN. He began performing in theater at the age of 2 under the tutelage of his grandfather's wife who was an extra in the original Our Gang Comedy T.V. series. He began studying martial arts at 12 and has studied Tae Kwon Do, Kenpo, Hwa Rrang Do, Jiu Jitsu, Judo, boxing. He black belt in Shotokan and a Red Black Stripe 1 in Jang Mu Won Hapkido waiting to test for black belt.
He is a published author having written the "As it is in Heaven: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological INtroduction to the Traditional Church and Her Worship" which may be found at the following link:
More than anything he is a humble and grateful priest, devoted husband, father, loves to sing karaoke, a passionate New York Rangers hockey fan, New York Yankees baseball fan and becoming a diehard Vols fans!​
Saint Peter the Apostle Anglican Church was incorporated in April 2010 in the home of Dr. Warren Smith, one of the founding members. St. Peter’s joined the Anglican Province of America (APA), a continuing Anglican Church using traditional doctrine and liturgy. Holy Communion and Morning Prayer Services were held in private residences and the Kingsport Renaissance Center. With God’s grace, we located and purchased the current location at 3321 Thornton Drive in 2012. Since purchasing the building, we have created a beautiful church with a sanctuary, fellowship hall, nursery, complete kitchen, and clergy office.
In addition to Sunday morning services (Holy Communion or Morning Prayer), we have an active Christian education program with topics ranging from studying various Bible books to the history of Anglicanism. Other activities include a weekly Bible Study group, congregational luncheons, and visiting ill or elderly members, providing them with meals as needed. We also support the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child and Shades of Grace Ministry in Kingsport.