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Bitter Sweet Day - The Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity - 2024

"For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better: nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you."

Philippians 1:23-24


After services this past Sunday, Fr. Yossi announced to the congregation that he has accepted a chaplaincy position with the Veterans Administration hospital in Albuquerque, NM. His last Sunday at St. Peter's is Sunday, November 24. We will miss him so much!

Fr. Yossi and the vestry are working on plans for the future of St. Peters. Unfortunately, these things take time and my expectation is 2 to 3 months to finalize our future plans. Our first step is to meet with the Bishop during his visit in two weeks.

Please remember that for every door that closes, God graciously opens other doors! We are grateful for all the wonderful times with Fr. Yossi and are excited about the future that God is opening for him and for us!

Thank you Fr. Yossi for officiating the beautiful Holy Communion Service this past Sunday! Thank you Mike and Anderson for serving with Fr. Yossi!

Thank you Team 4 (Jessica, Ambler, Mere, and Rosalind) for the delicious lunch of Brunswick Stew, couscous salad, chopped salad, bread, and cupcakes!


Thank you Fr. Paul for leading our Morning Prayer service this past Sunday.

Fr. Paul has posted a sign up sheet for Morning Prayer readers in the Parish Hall. Please consider signing up for this important part of our services!


Fr. Yossi's Christian Education classes which focus on the weekly lessons and how they tie in with the other daily readings continued this past Sunday. Please join us next Sunday at 9:15 - a pot of coffee will be on!


Fr. Paul will lead our last Wednesday Evening Prayer service of 2024 this Wednesday, Oct 30 at 5:30 pm. We plan to restart Wednesday evening services in Lent of 2025!


Our Choir is holding rehearsals at 10 am on Thursday upstairs in the sanctuary under Rose Marie's direction. All are welcome to join! Please see Fr. Yossi or Rose Marie for more information.


Our Bible Study program, led by Fr. Paul, will resume this Thursday at 11 am.  The study is using the "Dust to Glory" study guide and DVDs originally created by the renowned Christian scholar Dr. R.C. Sproul.


On Friday, November 1, we will celebrate All Saints' Day with Holy Communion (sung service with incense) starting at 5:30.


On Saturday, November 2, we will celebrate All Souls' Day with Holy Communion (sung service with incense) starting at 10 am. After the service, we will clean the inside of the church in preparation of the Bishop's visit.


Bishop's Visit

Bishop Jones is visiting St. Peter's on Saturday, November 9 and Sunday, November 10! On Saturday the Bishop will celebrate a Church dedication (the mortgage is paid off!) and Holy Communion at 11 am. On Sunday he will be confirming and receiving several of our new members along with celebrating Holy Communion. After Sunday services we will celebrate with a luncheon including lasagna and other fixing - more information to come! Please join us for these very special services!


Our Annual Congregational Meeting is coming up on Sunday, November 17. An operating budget for 2025 will be submitted for approval by the congregation.

Also, we will have two open positions on the Mission Committee. The new members will be elected to 3 year terms which start on Jan 1, 2025. Please let Fr. Yossi or one of the current Mission Committee members know if you are interested in running for one of these very important positions.


Lunch at Chop House and By the Fireside: Symphony of the Mountains Holiday Concert - Saturday Dec. 7

The Symphony of the Mountains is having their 'By The Fireside' Christmas Concert on Saturday, December 7 at 3 pm at the Toy F. Reid Eastman Employee Center in Kingsport. Rose Marie has made before the concert lunch reservations at The Chop House in Kingsport at 11:30.

Please let us know by Sunday, November 17 if you plan to attend the lunch and/or the concert. As a group, we received a reduced concert ticket price of $35 payable to St. Peters also on November 17 (we have to pay as a group to get the reduced rate). Rose Marie will pick up the tickets and distribute before the concert.


The November Food Schedule is as follows:

Nov 3 Team 5 Men's Team

Nov 10 Catered for Bishop's visit

Nov 17 Pizza after Congregational Meeting

Nov 24 Fr. Yossi's last Sunday - plans to come

Thank you Rose Marie for preparing the schedule!


Our new windows are finally in! They are beautiful! Thank you Diane for supervising the installation and the clean up afterwards!


The Anglican Anglers, the men's fly fishing group, will meet again on Saturday, November 2 at 5:30 at the church. They will practice tying lures (hopefully I have the right term). Please contact Jim or JP for more information

Two weeks ago Carol donated fishing items owned by her husband, John, to the Anglican Angler's. This week Carol and Jim gifted Levi several of John's items. May Levi have many fish stories for us in the near future!

John passed away last year on Monday, 11/20/23, the day before their 53rd anniversary. We are celebrating Holy Communion on the anniversary of his passing, Wednesday, November 20 at 11 am. After the service, we will move to the Memorial Garden for the scattering of John's ashes. Please join Carol for this special service.

Last year Carol sent this description of John:

John was a fisherman, a great cook, and a wonderful husband. He loved helping people and animals.

After the scattering of ashes, Carol is hosting a catered BBQ lunch for everyone who attends.


I received this email from Jessica thanking us for all the donations to the group she worked with to help families in NC:

To Our Dearest Saint Peter Family,

I recognize this is about a month late, but I have struggled to put words together for an appropriate ‘thank you’, so I decided to keep it very simple.

We are small in number, but we are mighty warriors who clearly show up when the battle cry has sounded. Thank you all, not just for your donations, but for being a snapshot of the sermons Father Yossi spoke at the beginning of October. He spoke about love. It is not just a feeling as many are often taught. Love is a verb - it is action. And you showed and continue to show love. To be love. And that is just what you all did. 

Thank you for your continued love, support, and desire for ongoing restoration in our region.

God bless,

Keith, Jessica, and Levi


We are collecting for the Marines' Toys for Tots program - collection boxes are located both upstairs and downstairs!


Misty is inviting all congregational veterans to a Veterans' Day celebration at the elementary school she works at! Please find all the information below. Thank you, Misty for the invitation!


Teresa is running for Municipal Judge in Elizabethton and sent this picture of one her supporter's truck! May God watch over and guide Teresa as she campaigns!


Remember to set your clocks back this Sunday - we go off daylight savings time!


October Activities

Wed., Oct. 30 5:30 pm Evening Prayer

Fr. Paul

Thur., Oct. 31 10 am Choir Practice

11 am Bible Study, Fr. Paul

November Activities

Fri., Nov. 1 All Saints' Day

5:30 pm Holy Communion

Fr. Yossi, Hutch, Levi

Sat., Nov. 2 All Souls' Day

10 am Holy Communion

Fr. Yossi, Levi, Anderson, Fr. Paul

11 am inside clean up for Bp.'s visit

5:30 Anglican Anglers

Sun., Nov. 3 9:15 am Christian Education

10:15 am Morning Prayer

11 am Holy Communion

Fr. Yossi, Fr. Paul, Anderson, Levi

12:30 Team 5

Thur., Nov. 7 10 am Choir Practice

11 am Bible Study, Fr. Paul

Sat., Nov. 9 11 am Church Dedication

Holy Communion

Bp. Jones, Fr. Yossi, Hutch, Levi

Sun., Nov. 10 11 am Holy Communion


Bp. Jones, Fr. Yossi,

Hutch, Anderson, Levi

12:30 catered lunch with the Bishop

Thur., Nov. 14 10 am Choir Practice

11 am Bible Study, Fr. Paul

Sun., Nov. 17 11 am Holy Communion

Fr. Yossi

Fr. Paul, Hutch, Levi

Annual Congregational Meeting

Pizza for lunch downstairs!

Wed., Nov. 20 11 am Holy Communion in memory of John T.

Fr. Yossi

Thur., Nov. 21 10 am Choir Practice

11 am Bible Study, Fr. Paul

 Sun., Nov. 24 9:15 am Christian Education

10:15 am Morning Prayer

11 am Holy Communion

Fr. Yossi, Mike, Levi

12:30 Team 1

Thur., Nov. 28 10 am Choir Practice - cancelled

11 am Bible Study, Fr. Paul - cancelled

Happy Thanksgiving!


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