Father Erich and his wife, Kathy, visited St. Peter's on Saturday, Sept. 14. Father Erich conducted Holy Communion Service for us.
After service, we all enjoyed a light brunch followed by Father Erich's presentation on 'Church Membership'. He covered many ideas but focused on the Biblical understanding of membership summarized by:
"give abundantly - serve willingly without hesitation
joyous giving - no strings attached."
Related thoughts included all church members are meant to function in the church and church membership includes giving & responsibilities.
Father Erich then covered the 10 reasons people do NOT return to a church they have visited:
1) greeting is awkward/unfriendly/not genuine
2) unfriendly church members
3) unsafe or unsanitary children's area
4) no place to get church info/ no one manning welcome center to talk with
5) bad website
6) poor signs (both outside and inside)
7) insider church language
8) boring or bad church service
9) someone said "you are in my pew"
10) dirty facilities / building disrepair
He also covered the 10 reasons people DO return to a church they have visited:
1) some one asked me to sit with them
2) people introduce themselves and cared to meet me
3) clear signs to facilities, entrances, etc...
4) clearly marked information area/ welcome area
5) children loved children's area
6) children's area clean, sanitary & secure
7) visitor parking area
8) greeting was NOT over enthusiastic, NOT overboard
9) members NOT pushy
10) guest card simple to fill out
Lots of information and ideas for us to follow up on. Thank you Father Erich for coming and sharing all your information and experience with us!
Yard Sale this Saturday
Jim is running our yard sale this Saturday. Please let Jim know if you can help on Wed night with pricing of items and/or Saturday with running the sale! The sale starts at 8 am on Saturday so we need to be there by 7 am to do set up.