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Father Erich Zwingert Visited

Father Erich and his wife, Kathy, visited St. Peter's on Saturday, Sept. 14. Father Erich conducted Holy Communion Service for us.

After service, we all enjoyed a light brunch followed by Father Erich's presentation on 'Church Membership'. He covered many ideas but focused on the Biblical understanding of membership summarized by:

"give abundantly - serve willingly without hesitation


joyous giving - no strings attached."

Related thoughts included all church members are meant to function in the church and church membership includes giving & responsibilities.

Father Erich then covered the 10 reasons people do NOT return to a church they have visited:

1) greeting is awkward/unfriendly/not genuine

2) unfriendly church members

3) unsafe or unsanitary children's area

4) no place to get church info/ no one manning welcome center to talk with

5) bad website

6) poor signs (both outside and inside)

7) insider church language

8) boring or bad church service

9) someone said "you are in my pew"

10) dirty facilities / building disrepair

He also covered the 10 reasons people DO return to a church they have visited:

1) some one asked me to sit with them

2) people introduce themselves and cared to meet me

3) clear signs to facilities, entrances, etc...

4) clearly marked information area/ welcome area

5) children loved children's area

6) children's area clean, sanitary & secure

7) visitor parking area

8) greeting was NOT over enthusiastic, NOT overboard

9) members NOT pushy

10) guest card simple to fill out

Lots of information and ideas for us to follow up on. Thank you Father Erich for coming and sharing all your information and experience with us!


Yard Sale this Saturday

Jim is running our yard sale this Saturday. Please let Jim know if you can help on Wed night with pricing of items and/or Saturday with running the sale! The sale starts at 8 am on Saturday so we need to be there by 7 am to do set up.


Mike and Claudia have sent many wonderful pictures from their travels in and around the UK! Normandy, American Cemetery at Omaha Beach, White Cliffs of Dover, Yacht Brittania, Honfleur, Dunrobin Castle, etc... Looks they are having a grand time! But we will sure be glad to have them back!


Also, Happy 80th Birthday to Carole!

We so much appreciate all your work on altar guild, cleaning, and dessert preparation!!!

On the calendar this week at St. Peters:

Wed Sept 18 @ 6 pm - Family Night Out - we will meet to price items and prepare for the yard sale on Sat.

Sat. Sept. 21 - Church yard sale.  Jim is running the yard sale this Sat. All volunteers should be at the church by 7 am to finish set up and be ready for 8 am opening time. Sale is over at noon.

Sun. Sept. 22 @ 10:00 am Christian Education

Sun. Sept. 22 @ 11:00 am Morning Prayer

Future Events

Wed. Sept. 25 - Women's Bible Study starts again. We are using Margaret Feinberg's six week session "Scouting the Divine, Searching for God in Wine, Wool, and Wild Honey". We will meet at Carole's house at 10:00 am.

Sunday, Sept. 29 @ 10 am Christian Education

@ 11 am Morning Prayer

After services, we are organizing a visit to Margaret who has just moved into assisted living in Bristol. Her birthday was in mid September so we plan to have a small belated birthday celebration with her. For information, please see Rosalind.

Wed., Oct. 2 - Women's Bible Study starts again. We are using Margaret Feinberg's six week session "Scouting the Divine, Searching for God in Wine, Wool, and Wild Honey". We will meet at Rose Marie's house at 10:00 am.

Sunday, Oct. 6 @ 10 am - Christian Education

@ 11 am - Father Scott Koszalinski from Knoxville will lead Holy Communion Services.  He has agreed to come the first Sunday of the month starting in Oct.

Sunday, Oct. 13 @ 10 am - Christian Education

@ 11 am - Morning Prayer

@ noon - Monthly Luncheon

@ 1 pm - Mission Committee Meeting

Sat., Oct. 19 @ 11 am - Ordination of Stephen Miller to the Sacred Order of Deacon at:

St. Matthew's Anglican Church

812 Reems Creek Road

Weaverville, NC 28787


FYI - Just a reminder

Many of us do our holiday shopping at Amazon. Please remember to go to:

and select Saint Peter the Apostle Anglican Church as your charity to generate donations for Saint Peter's. There is no additional cost to you but we receive a small percentage of each purchase when we are selected!

Thank you!


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