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Quinquagesima Sunday - 2024

"And Jesus said unto him, Receive thy sight: thy faith hath saved thee."

St. Luke 18:42


Fr. Yossi's sermon on Quinquagesima Sunday focused on the Gospel lesson from St. Luke 18:31-43. In these verses Jesus foretells his coming passion in Jerusalem and heals a blind man outside of Jericho. Fr. Yossi reminds us that just as Jesus went voluntarily to the cross out of his love for humanity, we must voluntarily enter Christian life bearing our own crosses. Also, while the blind man couldn't see, he was spiritually awake and knew Christ was special. Fr. Yossi asked us to remember we serve God, who works in miraculous ways and uses our weaknesses to His Glory.

Please find the complete service at the link below:

This Sunday was the first time Anderson served with Fr. Yossi! He did a wonderful job!

Thank you Fr. Yossi for the beautiful service and sermon! Thank you Br. Scott for leading our Morning Prayer service! Thank you Anderson for serving at St. Peter's!!


After services we enjoyed a delicious pot luck luncheon!

We also celebrated several special days in February including:

-Birthdays for Claudia, Benita, Daryl, and Misty,

-Ordination Anniversary for Fr. Yossi, and

-Wedding Anniversary for me!

Thank you to everyone for all the delicious food!


Fr. Yossi continued his series of lessons for Christian Education entitled "Heaven and Hell in Christian Thought & Doctrine". Fr. Yossi has asked us to bring our Bibles (preferably KJV or NKJV) for these studies.

The classes will continue next Sunday starting at 10 am. Please join us - a pot of coffee will be on!


Our Bible Study continued this Wednesday at the church. Fr. Paul continued his series of lessons focused on his book As It Is In Heaven A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Introduction to the Traditional Church and Her Worship.

Bible Study this week is cancelled due to Ash Wednesday services. Come join us next week, Wed., Feb. 21 at 11 am for the next study. Please remember to bring the book, your bible, and a lunch!

After each Bible Study, several of us stay to do the weekly cleaning for the church. In addition to cleaning, Teresa and I cut back some of the bamboo that had fallen on the fence at the back property line. Thank you to everyone for all the help in keeping the church looking so nice!


Sue continues to lead our weekly online prayer group on Discord every Thursday at 2 pm. Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! If you have a special prayer request but cannot join us, please send your request to Sue. Please contact me if you would like to join us on Discord.

Please note Sue is out of town this week so the online prayer group meeting is cancelled.


Lent Begins

 Shrove Tuesday, commonly known as Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras, marks the end of the pre-Lenten season, with Lent starting on Ash Wednesday. Traditionally, pancakes are served on Shrove Tuesday. Please join us for pancakes, bacon, and beverages as well as fellowship and lively conversation on Tuesday, February 13 at 5 pm. We hope to see you there!

Please join us at 5 pm, February 14 as we observe the beginning of Lent at our Ash Wednesday Service. Fr. Yossi will lead the service.

Also, the Events Committee has scheduled an Ash Wednesday service with Fr. Yossi at a local assisted living/rehabilitation center:

1:30 American House Senior Living

901 Teasel Drive, Kpt.

If you are interested in helping with this service, please let Fr. Yossi or Sam know! Please note the visit scheduled to The Orchard View facility was cancelled due to a COVID out break at the facility.

Our first Stations of the Cross service followed by a light dinner is scheduled on Friday, February 16 starting at 5 pm. The service is followed by a light dinner of soup, salad, and bread.

The fourteen Stations of the Cross allow us to walk with Jesus Christ during His final day before the Crucifixion using fourteen scripture readings interspersed with prayers. Each Station represents one event that happened during Jesus's walk to the cross. We join with early Christian pilgrims in Jerusalem who walked the Via Dolorosa, which is the path walked by Jesus to Mount Calvary. Come join us in this ancient tradition remembering Christ's Passion.


Lenten Devotional

The Lenten Devotional created by our Deanery is now available at the following link:

Both Fr. Yossi and Br. Scott contributed to this devotional! The devotional is a PDF and may be read on the computer or printed out (FYI it is over 100 pages long).


Lenten Appeal - 2024

The Lenten Appeal for 2024 goes to support St. Dunstan's Academy. Please read and consider supporting this worthy cause! Please mark any donation as "Lenten Appeal" and place in the offertory.


Teresa sent this picture of the crocus blooming in her yard.

Another sign that Spring is on the way!


February Activities

Tues., Feb. 13 5 pm Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner

at the Church


Lent Begins

Wed., Feb. 14 1:30 pm The Orchard View, Fr. Yossi

Wed., Feb. 14 5 pm Ash Wednesday

Holy Communion Service, Fr. Yossi

Fri., Feb 16 5 pm Stations of the Cross

Followed by light dinner

Sun., Feb. 18 9:15 Morning Prayer, Br. Scott

10 am Christian Education

11 am Holy Communion

Fr. Yossi, Br. Scott

12:30 Food Team 2

Wed., Feb. 21 11 am Bible Study

Thur., Feb. 22 2 pm Online Prayer Group

Sun., Feb. 25 9:15 Morning Prayer, Br. Scott

10 am Christian Education

11 am Holy Communion

Fr. Yossi, Hutch

12:30 Food Team 3

Wed., Feb. 28 11 am Bible Study

Thur., Feb. 29 2 pm Online Prayer Group

March Activities

Fri., Mar. 1 5 pm Stations of the Cross

Followed by light dinner

Sun., Mar. 3 9:15 Morning Prayer, Br. Scott

10 am Christian Education

11 am Holy Communion

Fr. Yossi, Anderson

12:30 Food Team 4

Wed., Mar. 6 11 am Bible Study

Thur., Mar. 7 2 pm Online Prayer Group

Sun., Mar. 10 9:15 Morning Prayer, Br. Scott

10 am Christian Education

11 am Holy Communion

Fr. Yossi, Br. Scott

12:30 Pot Luck

1:30 Mission Committee


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