Father Dennis Washburn is coming for a Holy Communion Service this Sunday!
Bishop Grundorf called me this week to advise that Father Dennis Washburn is moving to West Jefferson, NC. We are the closest Traditional Anglican Church to West Jefferson. I spoke with Father Washburn and he is coming to St. Peter's this Sunday for a Holy Communion service! Father Washburn was a priest with the ACC for a number of years, before moving into academia. He has assisted at St. Matthew's in Charlotte for several years also. Please come this Sunday to meet and welcome Father Washburn. After services, please join us in the parish hall to meet and talk with him. Please bring a light snack or finger food to share as we talk! Afterwards, we will head up to visit with Margaret (see next article).
Margaret celebrated her 90th birthday last week! She is examining the square St. Peter's members signed as part of the quilt her daughters put together for her birthday. Margaret recently moved into assisted living. We are planning to visit her this Sunday and bring a basket of goodies. Please contact me if you need more information on where and when for this visit.
Margaret has been involved in the Traditional Anglican movement since the late 1970's. She was one of the founding members of The Church of the Good Shepherd in Abingdon, VA. Sadly that church closed in 2014 but several members joined St. Peters including Margaret. We surely miss seeing Margaret in church but hope to bring some church to her!
A big 'Thank You' to everyone who helped make our yard sale such a success! We reached Jim's goal of over $300! We had a steady stream of people from about 7:30 am until noon when we closed. Again, Thank You to all who helped set up for the sale (Teresa, Lynn, Daryl, Carole, Rose Marie, Earl, Jim, & Rosalind) and to all who worked the sale (Sue, Mike, Carole, Lynn, Rose Marie, Earl, Jim, & Rosalind)!
Memorial Wall
Earl continues to make progress on the stone wall in the Memorial Garden. Thank you Earl for all the hard work!
Just a reminder to take a look around both the outside and the inside of the church. Please let me or Mike, our Jr Warden, know what you see that needs fixing, cleaning, repairing, improving, or changing. As we learned from Father Zwingert, having a well maintained facility makes a big impression on visitors. The Mission Committee will compile a prioritized list and start work!
Wed. Sept. 25 - Women's Bible Study starts again. We are using Margaret Feinberg's six week session "Scouting the Divine, Searching for God in Wine, Wool, and Wild Honey". We will meet at Carole's house at 10:00 am. Please call me if you need address information - Rosalind
Sunday, Sept. 29 @ 10 am Christian Education
@ 11 am Holy Communion with Father Washburn
After services, please join us in the parish hall to meet and visit with Father Washburn. Please bring a snack or other finger food to share.
Next we are driving up to visit with Margaret who has just moved into assisted living in Bristol. Her birthday was in mid September so we plan to have a small belated birthday celebration with her. For information, please see Rosalind.
Future Events
Wed., Oct. 2 - Women's Bible Study starts again. We are using Margaret Feinberg's six week session "Scouting the Divine, Searching for God in Wine, Wool, and Wild Honey". We will meet at Rose Marie Dunn's house at 10:00 am.
Sunday, Oct. 6 @ 10 am - Christian Education
@ 11 am - Father Scott Koszalinski from Knoxville will lead Holy Communion Services. He has agreed to come the first Sunday of the month starting in Oct.
Sunday, Oct. 13 @ 10 am - Christian Education
@ 11 am - Morning Prayer
@ noon - Monthly Luncheon
@ 1 pm - Mission Committee Meeting
Sat., Oct. 19 @ 11 am - Ordination of Stephen Miller to the Sacred Order of Deacon at:
St. Matthew's Anglican Church
812 Reems Creek Road
Weaverville, NC 28787
FYI - Just a reminder
Many of us do our holiday shopping at Amazon. Please remember to go to:
and select Saint Peter the Apostle Anglican Church as your charity to generate donations for Saint Peter's. There is no additional cost to you but we receive a small percentage of each purchase when we are selected!