But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:
St. John 15:26

Fr. Yossi was on vacation this past Sunday. In his place Fr. Paul led both Morning Prayer and Holy Communion with reserve sacrament. Thank you Fr. Paul for all your love and support of St. Peter's!

Special 'Thank You's' to Lin and Fr. Paul for the beautiful roses handed out to all the women at church on this Mother's Day! Taylor and JP handed out the roses between Morning Prayer and Holy Communion.

We so enjoyed meeting Taylor's mother, Kathy, this past week. She is visiting from California.

After services we enjoyed a truly delicious pot luck luncheon! We also celebrated all the May Birthdays! Thank you to everyone for all the delicious food and wonderful company!
Fr. Yossi's Christian Education classes which focus on the weekly Gospel lesson and how it ties in with the other daily readings will resume next Sunday, May 19 at 9:15. Please join us - a pot of coffee will be on!

1. Next Sunday May 19 we will restart Fr. Yossi's discretionary fund. All the cash in the collection plate plus any other funds specifically designated as discretionary fund will go to his discretionary fund.
2. Starting in June we will have services on Wednesday Evenings at 6 pm. We will alternate between Evening Prayer and Holy Communion. We will start with Evening Prayer on Wednesday, June 5.
3. Also the newly organized St. Peter’s Grief Support Group will begin meeting on Wednesday, June 12th at 4:00. The grief support group will meet biweekly.
4. Sue and Scott are moving to Wisconsin in early July so Scott can complete his seminary work. We have scheduled a farewell party for them on Saturday evening June 15 at the church. Teresa and Rose Marie are coordinating - please put the date on your calendar & be on the look out for more information!
Construction Update:
The sixth week of construction!

Mike caulked all the installed trim this past week!

On Friday, Jim installed the last of the custom trim - curved pieces at upper ends of each side of the wall. Though still a work in progress, the church looked beautiful this past Sunday! Thank you Jim and Mike for all the hard work!
Our Bible Study will continue this Wednesday @ 11 am at the church. Fr. Paul is leading a series of lessons which are focused on his book As It Is In Heaven A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Introduction to the Traditional Church and Her Worship. The topic for the next lecture is "Here's Where We Pray: Houses of Worship/Synagogue Churches." Please bring a lunch and join us!
Please note Bible Study will switch to Thursday @ 11 am starting on Thursday May 23.

The Mission Committee will meet next Sunday, May 19 after lunch.
The Shades of Grace ministry is currently very low on used men's jeans. In an effort to "Help Fill That Shelf", we are collecting used men's jeans from now through Sunday, May 26. They are particularly low on smaller size men's jeans (28 - 34" waist). Please place any donations in the basket in the Narthex.

Anderson took this beautiful picture of the Northern Lights this past week which was posted on FaceBook.
May Activities
Wed., May 15 11 am Bible Study
Sun., May 19 9:15 Christian Education
10:15 am Morning Prayer
11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Yossi, Hutch
12:30 Team 1
1:30 Mission Committee
Thur., May 23 11 am Bible Study
Sun., May 26 9:15 Christian Education
10:15 am Morning Prayer
11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Yossi, Hutch
12:30 Team 2
Thur., May 30 11 am Bible Study
Thur., May 30 5 pm Holy Communion, Fr. Yossi
Corpus Christi