"But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they were gathered together. "
St. Matthew 22:34
Fr. Yossi led the beautiful Holy Communion service this past Sunday. His sermon focused on the Gospel lesson from St. Matthew 22:34-46. In this lesson. after learning that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees are again trying to trap Jesus. However, Jesus answers their question about the greatest of the laws. Fr. Yossi reminded us that the way to love God is by loving our neighbor. Also we are able to know love because God loved us first.. Jesus then asks the Pharisees what they think about the Christ. Ultimately, this question, silences the Pharisees. In the end, Fr. Yossi advises that Jesus led by example and that we can't have a heart full of love and not act on that love.
Please see the following link for the complete service including the sermon:
On Sunday, October 22 we will celebrate the baptism of Sam, one of our new members. The baptism will take place at 11 am followed immediately by the Holy Communion Service.
On Sunday, October 29, we will only have a Morning Prayer service at 11 am.
This past Sunday Fr. Yossi continued with confirmation classes in preparation for Bishop Jones' visit in mid December. Fr. Yossi began class in the Sanctuary. First Teresa, as a member of the altar guild, reviewed the set up of the altar for Holy Communion. Fr. Yossi then reviewed the typical layout of an Anglican church - starting at the narthex and ending with the apse! While the classes are specifically designed for the people to be confirmed, all are welcome to attend. The classes start at 10 am - a pot of coffee will be on!
After services we enjoy a spectacular Pot Luck lunch - thank you to everyone for bringing and sharing such delicious food!
This past Saturday was our Fall Yard Work and Indoor Maintenance Day.
Indoors, Matt changed all the sanctuary lights to long lasting LEDs - hopefully we won't need to change the pendant lights for several years! Mere and Sue worked on replacing toilet flappers in the downstairs toilets. Deborah polished the travelling Holy Communion set and many of the other altar pieces. Rose Marie and LIn, with some others, tackled the bottom row of kitchen cabinets - cleaning, repairing, rearranging, and purging unused utensils!
Outside . . .
Teresa removed the regrowth on the previously cut down walnut trees and sprayed to kill the English ivy growing over the stumps and into the yards!
Fr. Yossi tackled the big over grown bush beside the steps from the lower level.
Lynn trimmed all the holly bushes on the east side of the church.
Deborah and I (with a lot of help) weeded and mulched around the bushes.
Everything looks so nice!
After all that work - we enjoyed pizza for lunch!
Thank you to everyone for making this past work day so successful!!!
Later on Saturday, several of us took in the Symphony of the Mountains 'Homecoming Concert' at Eastman's Toy Reid auditorium in Kingsport.
Daryl, Lynn, Ming's parents, Jeff, Alex, Fr. Yossi, Dan, Laurel, Laurel's sister in law, and I enjoyed wonderful seats thanks to Scott! Another amazing Symphony of the Mountains concert!
Because of all the activities in the East Tennessee area this past weekend ( big race weekend at Bristol Motor Speedway, Jonesbourgh Story Telling Festival, Erwin Apple Festival, etc.) the Symphony was not able to obtain hotel rooms for all their out of town members. So, I had the pleasure of hosting Alicia. She has played an oboe for the Symphony for several years and was a delightful guest!
Sue continues to lead our weekly online prayer group on Discord every Thursday at 2 pm. Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! If you have a special prayer request but cannot join us, please send your request to Sue. Please contact me if you would like to join us on Discord.
However, because Sue has Synod obligations, the online prayer meeting scheduled for October 12 is cancelled. Therefore the next prayer meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 19 @ 2pm.
Our next Women's Bible Study is on Wed. October 18 @ 11 am at the church. We are using "The First 24" for our study guide. This is an in depth study of Mark 1:21-45 - the first 24 hours of Jesus' public ministry. The guide is available on Amazon. Please remember to bring the book, your bible, and a lunch!
Several members of St. Peter's will be attending the Anglican Joint Synod in Orlando FL the week of Oct 8. Fr. Yossi, Fr. Paul, Br. Scott, Sue, Teresa, Diane, and I are planning to attend. Please keep us all in your prayers as we prepare for and travel to the Synod.
The Anglican Province of America (APA), the Anglican Catholic Church (ACC), and the Anglican Church in America (ACA), are three branches of the continuing Anglican movement in United States which have pledged to seek “full, institutional, and organic union with each other.” Every third year they meet together in a joint Synod. St. Peter's is a member church of the APA.
Please keep Rose Marie in your prayers as she recovers from a recent fall. Fortunately nothing serious and she is recovering nicely at home! Also, many thanks to Fr. Yossi for sitting with her in the ER on a Saturday evening!
Claudia sent these beautiful pictures taken during their vacation! Beautiful couple on a beautiful beach! May God continue to bless both Mike and Claudia with rest and healing during this time at the beach!
October Activities
Mon., October 9 Anglican Joint Synods including
- Fri., October 13 APA Provincial Synod & DEUS Synod
Wed., October 11 11 am Women's Bible Study
cancelled due to Synod
Thur., October 12 2 pm Online Prayer Group
cancelled due to Synod
Sun., October 15 9:15 am Morning Prayer, Fr. Yossi