Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
St. Matthew 13:24-25
Fr. Paul led a beautiful Holy Communion service this past Sunday. Sadly, many of our members were out sick. We prayed for their quick recovery and return to St. Peters! Thank you, Fr. Mike and Anderson for serving with Fr. Paul.
Please Find Fr. Paul's sermon at the link below:
"Are you Wheat or Tares?"
Thank you Fr. Mike for leading our Morning Prayer service this past Sunday.
Fr. Mike posted a sign up sheet for Morning Prayer readers in the Parish Hall. Please consider signing up for this important part of our services!
After services, we enjoyed a delicious potluck lunch! Many thank you's to everyone for all the amazing food!
On Sunday, February 23 Fr. Paul will be attending a funeral in Nashville. Bp. Jones has given permission for Fr. Mike to lead our Holy Communion service on that Sunday! Christian Education is cancelled on that Sunday.
Fr. Paul continued his series of Christian Education classes about Anglicanism. This week he reviewed the very early history of Christianity in Britain from the 1st - 7th centuries. This review included British attendees of the great church councils and political changes in the governance of Britain.
Adult Christian Education classes each Sunday morning starting 9:15. Please find a recording of this Sunday's lesson, at the link below:
"Anglicanism 101 - The Antiquity of Anglicanism"
The children's Sunday School class begins at 9:15. We are using the program produced by the APA - "The Life of Christ - From Bethlehem to Emmaus". Diane, Jessica, and Rosalind are teaching the classes.
Choir rehearsal starts at 10 am on Thursday upstairs in the sanctuary. All are welcome to join! Please see Fr. Paul or Rose Marie for more information.
Our Bible Study program, led by Fr. Paul meets on Thursday at 11 am.
After this week's lesson, we celebrated Benita's birthday! Happy Birthday Benita!
Our 'Burgers and Bingo Night Out" is scheduled for this Saturday, February 15 at 5 pm. We will be serving burgers with all the fixings for dinner followed by several rousing rounds of Bingo! If you plan to attend but haven't signed up, please contact Rose Marie
We are continuing to support the Constable Family as they recover from Hurricane Helene. With funds collected previously, Jessica found a much needed dresser for their daughter Chloe. Jessica delivered it to the family this past Sunday after services.
Jessica also sent this update on the family:
Stephanie (the mother) was supposed to go in for a job interview the last couple of weeks, but the weather and sickness has postponed it. Their driveway was a sheet of ice and now Stephanie is sick and having fluid build up in her legs; she is also going to have to go in for a mammogram to rule out breast cancer. Please be praying for healing for Stephanie first, and for job placement second. The interview is through a temp agency for 12 hour shifts.
Thank you Jessica for all your work and for keeping us informed!
Fr. Paul is posting thoughts and commentary on the weekday Morning Prayer readings as listed in the Book of Common Prayer on the church web page. Please find these at the following link:
Signs of Spring!
Claudia sent this beautiful picture of her beautiful grand-daughters before attending their annual Daddy Daughter Dance.
Jessica and Keith sent this picture of the newly poured foundation for their new storage building.
Teresa has beautiful purple crocus blooming . . .