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The First Sunday after Easter

The red buds in the back of the church were beautiful! What a wonderful day in the Easter Season!


As Fr. Scott was visiting St. Phillips in Blacksburg this Sunday (more on that to come), Scott led both our Sunday School and our Morning Prayer service.

His Sunday School lesson focused on one particular episode in the Old Testament - the final moving of the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. Scott read the Bible verses listing all the musicians and the types of musical instruments participating in this event (1 Chronicles 15). As he read the verses he played a recording of "Pines of the Appian Way" from Ottorino Respighi's "Pines of Rome". Beautiful and very dramatic - emphasizing the point of how much music can impact events! Scott also pointed out several musicians were also assigned the job of doorkeepers for the Ark. This lesson emphasized the importance of musicians and other artisans in maintaining the culture both then and now. He is concerned about the assault on Christian culture in today's musical world.

During the Morning Prayer Service, Scott presented Fr. Scott's sermon discussing the Gospel lesson. The disciples were still hiding in a locked room from the Jewish authorities while trying to understand the Resurrection. However, the authorities are angry and the disciples feared for their lives. Our Lord appears to them in the locked room verifying Mary Magdalene's story and the testimony of John and Peter. Our Lord speaks peace to them twice, letting them know all is well. He also breathed on them and gave them the Holy Ghost, giving them the first portion of the Third Person of the Trinity and the power to remit or retain sins. His disciples having abandoned, and in Peter's case, denied their Lord, probably had forgiveness on their minds. Our Lord's power of forgiveness is given to His unfaithful group so they can, in turn, forgive others. We are in just as much need of forgiveness as the Apostles were and in just as much need to experience His peace. When our Lord shows up in your life, no matter what you are hiding from, you too can experience His peace.

Thank you Scott for a wonderful Sunday School lesson and a wonderful Morning Prayer Service.


Between Sunday School and Morning Prayer, our fearless Diane arranged for a special way to show Ming just how much we appreciate his beautiful piano playing every Sunday! She organized Ming's Groupies (all good musicians need groupies and all groupies need t-shirts & sunglasses).

I think Ming really got into the spirit of the moment!

Thank you Ming for all your beautiful music! Thank you Ambler for the pictures!


After service, we had a wonderful time downstairs.

Thank you Sue and Rosalind for bringing snacks!


Fr. Scott was at St. Phillip's in Blacksburg this Sunday. While there he met with Bp. Chad Jones. Bp. Jones will be enthroned as our Diocesan Bishop this summer at the DEUS Synod.

In addition to meeting with Bp. Jones, Fr. Scott is close to completing the mentoring part of his transition to the APA.

Also, St. Phillip's generously gave Fr. Scott and Maryl a date night out on the town!

Fr. Scott sent the following message about his time at St. Phillips:

Missing a Sunday with you was painful but necessary to allow me to fully become your priest. I only have one more weekend like this before I am completely done with missing Sundays. I am glad I can leave and know that God will still continue to be worshiped, I am thankful for Scott leading Morning Prayer and for everyone else that stepped up.

My time away was very fruitful. Maryl and I got a weekend away allowing us to go on a date for the first time in too long. I am thankful to Fr. Miller and St. Philips Church for mentoring me and showing me the hospitality of the APA. I am also thankful to Bp Jones for meeting with me. This was the first time I met him in person, although we have talked on the phone a few times. I got the chance to tell him about myself and to share with him our vision at St. Peters and how we are going to reach the Tri-cities with God’s saving message. We share a lot in common and I enjoyed getting to know him as well. I reiterated how amazing the people at St. Peters are and my commitment to you all. I am very excited for the future of the APA knowing that Bp Jones will take care of us as Bp Grundorf has. Again, thank you Church family for allowing me to be gone and I am eagerly looking forward to being with you next Sunday.

We are looking forward to seeing you next Sunday!


While Fr. Scott and Maryl were in Blacksburg, Rose Marie and Rosalind fed their beautiful cats!


Garon gifted St. Peter's with this beautiful thurible along with incense. Thank you so much Garon for your very generous gift!


Mike and Claudia sent these beautiful pictures from their visit with family in Arkansas. The family looks amazing as does the scenery! Thank you for sending the pictures!


I just learned Teresa has been appointed to the Carter County Elections Committee!

Congratulations Teresa!


Fr. Dennis will be joining us on Sunday, April 25 for a "Big Thank You So Much" celebration! We want to thank him for his trips over the mountains in all kinds of weather to provide St. Peters with Holy Communion. Also we hope he will come visit often! More information to come!


Sue continues to lead our weekly online prayer group on Tuesday at 11:30. Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! If you have a special prayer request but cannot join us, please send your request to Sue. Please contact Rosalind if you would like to join us on Discord.


April Activities

Tues., April 13 11:30 am Online Prayer Group

Sun., April 18 10 am Christian Education Fr. Scott

11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott

(cash plate to Fr. Scott’s discretionary fund)

noon – Mission Committee Meeting

Tues., April 20 11:30 am Online Prayer Group

Sun., April 25 10 am Christian Education Fr. Scott

11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott

noon – Fr. Dennis’s ‘Thank You Party’

Tues., April 27 11:30 am Online Prayer Group

May Activities

Sat., May 1 10 am Yard maintenance and clean up day

Sun., May 2 10 am Christian Education

11 am Morning Prayer

Tues., May 4 11:30 am Online Prayer Group

Sun., May 9 10 am Christian Education Fr. Scott

11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott

noon – Mission Committee Meeting

Tues., May 11 11:30 Online Prayer Group

Sun., May 16 10 am Christian Education Fr. Scott

11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Scott

(cash plate to Fr. Scott’s discretionary fund)


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