Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.
St. John 20:19

Fr. Yossi led our Holy Communion service on the First Sunday after Easter. Fr. Yossi's sermon discussed the Gospel Lesson from St. John 20: 19-23 in which Jesus appears to the disciples after His resurrection. The disciples are hiding from the Jewish authorities and are in a spiritual lockdown. Jesus gently deals with their doubts and after this event the disciples are changed. They no longer fear future events and no longer wait on Christ to act for them. Fr. Yossi reminds us that we all profess 'faith the size of a mustard seed' which is able to move mountains. However, while Christ has died for our sins and risen for our justification, we must act and do our part.
Thank you Fr. Yossi for the beautiful service! Thank you Anderson for serving!
After services, we enjoyed a wonderful lunch of spicy sausage/bean stew, chopped salad, ham & cheese quiche, french bread, and whiskey pound cake! Thank you Merrie, Sue, and Rosalind for the delicious food!

Morning Prayer services resumed this Sunday at 10:15 am. Thank you Fr. Paul for leading our Morning Prayer service.

This past Sunday, Fr. Yossi started a new Christian Education series on miracles. Please note Christian Education classes are now scheduled to start at 9:15 on Sunday mornings! Please join us next Sunday at 9:15 am - a pot of coffee will be on!
Our Bible Study will continue this Wednesday, April 10 @ 11 am at the church. Fr. Paul is leading a series of lessons which are focused on his book As It Is In Heaven A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Introduction to the Traditional Church and Her Worship. The topic for the next lecture is "The Ancient’s View of the Universe and the Cosmic Temple".

Sue continues to lead our weekly online prayer group on Discord every Thursday but now at 9:30 am! Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! If you have a special prayer request but cannot join us, please send your request to Sue. Please contact me if you would like to join us on Discord.

Next Sunday, April 14, is our next pot luck luncheon! Please bring a dish to share!

Our regularly scheduled Mission Committee is next Sunday, April 14.

Daryl our long serving treasurer and Mission Committee member is stepping down over the summer. We are looking for both a new treasurer and some one to finish his term on the Mission Committee. Please prayerfully consider if you could fill either one or both of these important positions. Please speak with Fr. Yossi or Rosalind for more information.

Time to catch up on our yard maintenance after this winter, the Special Events Committee (Sam, Merrie, Lin, Agnes, JP, Hutch, & Misty) have scheduled a Spring Yard Work Day to complete some work around the church for Saturday April 27 @ 10 am. The work includes trimming bushes, pulling weeds, cutting back some bamboo, and mulching. We will provide pizza for lunch! Please check the bulletin board downstairs for a sign up sheet.
Please join us as we keep the church looking nice! Please bring your garden tools.

Lynn and I collected the toiletry items donated during Lent and took them . . .

down to Shades of Grace. We met with Pastor Will Shewey who is in charge of the ministry there. He gave us a tour of the entire facility including worship space, food distribution, shower facilities and . . .

where they distribute clothing to people in need. They are particularly low on smaller size men's jeans (28 - 34 waist). In an effort to 'help fill that shelf' we are collecting used men's jeans (28 - 34 waist) from now through Sunday, May 26. Please place any donations in the basket in the Narthex.
Shades of Grace posted this 'Thank You' to St. Peter's for the toiletries on their FaceBook page:

Jim, with help from Diane, began work on the new wall behind the altar.

Diane and Rosalind drew up a full scale paper model of the shield with Earl's cross. The model will be used to create the actual shield out of oak.

By the end of the week, Jim had completed all the framing and insulation! Jeff completed the wiring to add new outlets on either side of the altar. Thank you Jim and Jeff for all your hard work!

Thank you to Diane, Carole, Rose Marie, Teresa, and Rosalind for the clean up before Sunday services!
