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The First Sunday after Trinity

"And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores."

St. Luke 16:20


On the First Sunday After Trinity Fr. Yossi led a beautiful Holy Communion Service. His sermon focused on the parable of the rich man and the beggar, Lazarus. He explored the themes of justice, the afterlife, and the moral responsibilities of wealth. The parable emphasizes the importance of living a life in accordance with God's teachings, as mere wealth does not secure a favorable afterlife. He reminded us there is a heaven to be gained and a hell to be feared. Therefore we should weigh everything in this life in the light of eternity because once we are on the other side, there is no second chance to correct our mistakes - None!

Thank you Fr. Yossi for the beautiful service and very interesting sermon! Thank you Scott for serving!

Thank you to Misty, Carole, and Lin for the wonderful lunch after services which included inside out ravioli, bread, salad, chocolate cake with chocolate rum sauce, and cookies! Everything was wonderful!!


Thank you Fr. Paul for leading our 10:15 Morning Prayer service.

Please let Fr. Paul know if you are interested in being a reader of one of the lessons during Morning Prayer and the upcoming Evening Prayer services.


Fr. Yossi's Christian Education classes which focus on the weekly Gospel lesson and how it ties in with the other daily readings continued this past Sunday. Please join us next Sunday at 9:15 - a pot of coffee will be on!


This past Thursday we celebrated the Feast of Corpus Christi with Holy Communion led by Fr. Yossi. In his sermon he told us the Feast of Corpus Christi is also known as the 'Thanksgiving for the Institution of the Eucharist'. During the last Passover meal the disciples shared with Christ, He simply offered them the gift of Himself, a unique and powerful way to commune with Him even after He left their physical presence. The twelve shared in the meal, and they were sustained and empowered to continue His ministry on earth. On the Feast of Corpus Christi, we are called again to be the living body of Christ. However, until Christians truly understand what it means to be 'in communion' with each other, the New Covenant remains incomplete.

Thank you Fr. Yossi for the mid week service!


Starting in June we will have services on Wednesday Evenings at 6 pm. We will alternate between Evening Prayer and Holy Communion. We will start with Evening Prayer this Wednesday, June 5.

The newly organized St. Peter’s Grief Support Group will begin meeting on Wednesday, June 12th at 4:00. The grief support group will meet biweekly.


Our Bible Study will continue this Thursday @ 11 am at the church. Fr. Paul is leading a series of lessons which are focused on his book As It Is In Heaven A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Introduction to the Traditional Church and Her Worship. Fr. Paul is planning a Q & A session covering the information to date for this week Please bring a lunch and join us!

Please note that Bible Study is cancelled on Thursday June 13 as Fr. Paul is out of town.


Next Sunday, June 9, is our pot luck luncheon! Please bring a dish to share!


 Construction Update:

The 9th week of construction! Jim mounted the large cross on the shield and then mounted the shield & cross to the wall behind the altar. It looks spectacular - thank you Jim! The final coat of paint on the trim, finishing up the electrical installation, and reinstalling the carpet against the back wall are the items remaining to complete this project!

Jeff will finish up the electrical this week. Taylor plans to start painting the trim the week of June 10.

Diane and I will begin contacting flooring companies this week to reinstall the carpet. Thank you to everyone for your patience as we finish up!

We were very excited after the Shield went up - Diane, Teresa, and Rosalind!


Rosalind, Fr. Yossi, and Lynn dropped off the donated jeans and other clothing to Shades of Grace this past week. They were very grateful for all the jeans and other clothes! Thank you to everyone for all your donations and helping St. Peter's support this important ministry.

Starting next week we will begin collecting items for Hope House. Hope House offers free housing, education, and support to pregnant women in the Kingsport area. More information about their mission is available at their website:

They are in need of diapers, baby wipes, baby food, formula, etc. Please see the full list on the bulletin board downstairs. Please put all items in the basket in the Narthex. We will collect items for Hope House through the end of July. Thank you to the Special Events Committee for contacting Hope House and setting up this drive.


Sue and Scott are moving to Wisconsin in early July so Scott can complete his seminary work. We have scheduled a farewell party for them on Saturday evening June 15 at the church starting at 5:30. Teresa and Rose Marie are coordinating an Italian themed dinner - please put the date on your calendar & let Teresa know if you plan to attend!


Rose Marie sent this picture of her, her son, daughter-in-law, granddaughter, and great granddaughter on vacation in Georgia! What a beautiful picture of a beautiful family! Thank you for sharing it with us!


Eighty years ago this week.


June Activities

Wed., June 5 6 pm, Evening Prayer

Thur., June 6 11 am Bible Study

Sun., June 9 9:15 am Christian Education

10:15 am Morning Prayer

11 am Holy Communion,

Fr. Yossi, Anderson

12:30 Pot Luck

1:30 Mission Committee

Wed., June 12 4 pm, St. Peter’s Grief Support Group

6 pm Holy Communion, Fr. Yossi, Scott

Thur., June 13 11 am Bible Study is cancelled as

Fr. Paul is out of town

Sat., June 15 5:30 Sue & Scott farewell party

Sun., June 16 9:15 am Christian Education

10:15 am Morning Prayer

11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Yossi, Scott

sung service with incense

Fr. Yossi discretionary fund

12:30 Team 4

Wed., June 19 6 pm, Evening Prayer

Thur., June 20 11 am Bible Study

Sun., June 23 9:15 am Christian Education

10:15 am Morning Prayer

11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Yossi, Scott

12:30 Team 5 - men's team

Wed., June 26 4 pm, St. Peter’s Grief Support Group

6 pm Holy Communion, Fr. Yossi, Scott

Thur., June 27 11 am Bible Study

Sun., June 30 9:15 am Christian Education

10:15 am Morning Prayer

11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Yossi, Scott

12:30 Team 1


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