"An it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine: For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes."
St. Matthew 7:28-29
Scott and Earl led our beautiful Morning Prayer Service this Sunday.
Br. Scott's sermon focused on the two miracles described in the Gospel lesson from St. Matthew. After teaching on a mountain (The Sermon on the Mount), Jesus descends from the mountain. As he travels, he heals a leper by touch and a Roman centurion's servant by "speaking the word only." Br. Scott compared the two miracles: the social status of the leper and the centurion, the Jewish society view of each of these men, the means of healing (touch & word), and the faith of each of these men. These miracles demonstrated Jesus' authority confirming the authority of his teaching and his authority as the Son of God. In conclusion, Br. Scott asked us to "perfect" our faith by practicing it. He asked us to join together in prayer, engage in healing ministry, believe in the authority of Jesus, and touch His people, both inside and outside the church - that they may be clean as we have been made clean through the shed blood of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Please find the service including his complete sermon at the following link:
Thank you both for the lovely service!
After services we enjoyed some wonderful snacks. We also enjoyed some wonderful company, including getting to know our visitor, Will.
Will is from Kingsport and has his own pottery business. His website which show cases some of his beautiful pottery is:
Thank you to everyone for bringing snacks!
Beginning next Sunday, February 5 at 10 am, Fr. Dennis is starting Confirmation Classes. The classes are open to both potential confirmands as well as to any others interested in attending.
Teresa and Agnes sent these beautiful pictures from their visit to Hilton Head. They attended services at Holy Redeemer with Fr. Chris.
Wishing them a wonderful visit!
On Morning Prayer Sundays, Sue is leading a short prayer meeting before services starting at 10:30. Please meet her downstairs with your prayer book.
Last Wednesday, the Women's Bible Study met at the church. We completed Days 16 & 17 in the Week 4 - Hope. Our next Women's Bible Study meeting is at the Maple Street Biscuit Co. in Johnson City on Wednesday, February 1 at 11 am. Please remember to bring the book and your bible!
Sunday, February 19, is our next monthly pot luck luncheon! Please remember to bring a dish to share!
Sue continues to lead our weekly online prayer group on Discord every Thursday at 11:30 am. Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! If you have a special prayer request but cannot join us, please send your request to Sue. Please contact me if you would like to join us on Discord.
For Shrove Tuesday (February 21) we are meeting at Perkins in Kingsport (4618 Fort Henry Dr, Kingsport, TN 37663, USA) right off exit 59 on I-81 at 5:00 pm. Please let Rose Marie know if you plan to attend - she will make reservations for us!
Please join us at 2 pm, February 22 for our Ash Wednesday Service. Fr. Dennis will lead the service.
Spring must be on its way - these were blooming in my yard this week!
Unfortunately, Amazon just announced they are discontinuing their Amazon Smile program sometime in February. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported St. Peter's through this program.
February Activities