"And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord; (As it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord;) And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons."
St. Luke 2:22-24
Thank you Fr. Paul for officiating the beautiful Holy Communion Service this past Sunday! Thank you, Fr. Mike and Hutch for serving with Fr. Paul! Â Please find Fr. Paul's sermon at the following link:
"Purification is Life"
Thank you Fr. Mike for leading our Morning Prayer service this past Sunday.
Fr. Mike posted a sign up sheet for Morning Prayer readers in the Parish Hall. Please consider signing up for this important part of our services!
After services, we enjoyed a wonderful lunch of chili, meatballs, rice, salad, bread, cupcakes, and cheesecake!
Thank you Rose Marie, Misty, Melinda, and Jim for all the delicious food!
Next Sunday, February 9, is our monthly potluck luncheon! Please bring a dish to share!
Adult Christian Education classes each Sunday morning starting 9:15.
Please find a recording of this Sunday's lesson, at the link below:
"Anglicanism 101: Lecture 2 Further Assessment of What is Anglicanism."
The children's Sunday School session begins at 9:15. We are using the program produced by the APA - "The Life of Christ - From Bethlehem to Emmaus". Diane, Jessica, and Rosalind are teaching the classes.
Choir rehearsal starts at 10 am on Thursday upstairs in the sanctuary. All are welcome to join! Please see Fr. Paul or Rose Marie for more information.
Our Bible Study program, led by Fr. Paul meets on Thursday at 11 am.
After this week's lesson, Carol gave Fr. Paul a belated Christmas present!
Nichole sent this wonderful picture of the celebrations for the reopening of the Dobyns-Bennett High School basketball dome.
Both Anderson and Jackson are in the band picture.
Also Claudia's son, Richard (far right), is President of Preston Construction which was the General Contractor on the Dome renovation.
The completed dome!
Rose Marie is organizing a 'Burgers and Bingo Night Out" on Saturday, February 15 at 5 pm. We will be serving burgers with all the fixings for dinner followed by several rousing rounds of Bingo! Rose Marie has a sign up sheet downstairs at the church.
Teresa filed this report about her work with the APA:
During the Joint Synod in 2023, in Orlando, I was elected to the Provincial Council of the APA. We recently met via Zoom to discuss the various happenings among the Dioceses and the Foreign Missions of the APA. I am pleased to report that Bishop Jones was most effusive in discussing his visit to St. Peter’s, along with describing the ministries of Fr. Yossi with the growth of the church and the seamless transition effected by Fr. Paul in continuing the good works of the church. It is always so nice to hear praise about our church.
The most interesting part of the meeting though, to me, was hearing the report of the Right Rev. David Haines, our Missionary Bishop for Global Partnerships. He had recently returned from a visit to all the APA churches in India, visiting 17 of the 22 established churches. He related how relationships in most locations have improved, so that parishioners of these churches are no longer pelted with stones by members of community of other religions as they enter or leave the churches. One of the main projects within the APA’s efforts in India is the Dalit School, wherein children are given an education to help them escape a life of poverty and quite often one of abuse and degradation as a temple prostitute. A child is given eleven months of education, including child's uniforms, books, school fees, transportation (if the school provides it), health care (provided at the school by trained community health workers), and meals at the school for the year. The cost of providing such care for a child is $30 a month or $360 for a year. [Note: this scholarship may have increased, just as everything else has. I will try to ascertain the correct amount needed].
Bishop Haines hopes to visit Ecuador again this year, where we are establishing churches. We have five priests and eleven deacons, with 3 more hopefully to be ordained upon his visit. He plans to visit our missions in the Philippines next year, where he will be consecrating two church buildings. In addition, more land has been donated to the effort to plant churches and more clergy will be ordained. Further, he reported that the Anglican priests and churches are enjoying a much better relationship with the Roman Catholic priests in the area. Unfortunately, due to the ongoing disorder, he has been unable to visit the churches in Haiti. He reported that we still have a school operating there, but attendance has unfortunately drastically dropped from 256 to 80 students. He asked that we continue to pray for all these missions.
Thank you Teresa for that wonderful report!
Fr. Paul is posting thoughts and commentary on the weekday Morning Prayer readings on the church web page. Please find these at the following link:
 Calendar of Events:
Fr. Paul keeps the following weekday schedule:
Morning Prayer
     9 am M, Tu, W, Th, & F
Noon Prayer
  12 pm M, Tu, & F
Low Mass & Annointing
     11 am Wed
Bible Study
11 am Thursday
Choir Practice
10 am Thursday
February Activities
Sun., Feb. 9
       9:15 am Christian Education
       10:15 am Morning Prayer
      11 am Holy Communion
             Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike
       12:30 Potluck
Thur., Feb. 13
      1:30 Mission Committee
Fri., Feb 15
5 pm 'Burgers and Bingo Night Out!'
Sun., Feb. 16
       9:15 am Christian Education
       10:15 am Morning Prayer
      11 am Holy Communion
             Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike
Discretionary Fund
       Team 4
Sun., Feb. 23
       9:15 am Christian Education
       10:15 am Morning Prayer
      11 am Holy Communion
             Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike, Mike, Levi
   Team 1