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The Second Sunday after the Epiphany - 2025

And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan. And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him: And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

St. Mark 1:9-11


View from Teresa's House - Sunday
View from Teresa's House - Sunday
View from Diane's House - Sunday
View from Diane's House - Sunday

Because of the uncertain weather this past Sunday, we cancelled Christian Education but held Morning Prayer and Holy Communion at their regular times. As the Holy Communion service was concluding, it started snowing outside! Due to concerns about slick roads, we sadly decided to cancel the after services lunch. It was wonderful to see so many people after having to cancel last week due to snow. Also, we truly missed all our members in places much harder hit this weekend than Kingsport!

All the food brought for lunch by Teresa, Diane, Michele, Nancy, and Rose Marie is still at the church. We decided to serve it for lunch on Thursday after Bible Study! Please come join us if you can!

Thank you Fr. Paul for leading the beautiful Holy Communion Service with incense! Fr. Paul's wonderful sermon can be found at the following link:

"The Epiphany of the Son of God in Baptism"

Thank you Fr. Paul for leading our Holy Communion service on this wet and snowy Sunday!

Please note: we forgot to announce that this past Sunday was the Sunday designated to collect funds for the Discretionary Fund. All the cash in the plate this past Sunday will go to the Discretionary Fund. To make up for the confusion, the cash in next week's plate will also go to the Discretionary Fund.


Thank you Fr. Mike for leading our Morning Prayer service on The Second Sunday after the Epiphany.

Fr. Mike has posted a sign up sheet for Morning Prayer

lesson readers in the Parish Hall. Please consider signing up for this important part of our services!


Due to the unpredictable weather this past Sunday, Christian Education was cancelled. Fr. Paul will begin the 'Anglican Worship' series of lessons next Sunday, January 26.


We have started a children's Sunday School session beginning at 9:15. We are using the program produced by the APA - "The Life of Christ - From Bethlehem to Emmaus". Diane, Jessica, and Rosalind are teaching the classes.


Choir rehearsal will start at 10 am on Thursday upstairs in the sanctuary. All are welcome to join! Please see Fr. Paul or Rose Marie for more information.


Our Bible Study program, led by Fr. Paul will continue on Thursday at 11 am.


Due to the bad weather, the Mission Committee meeting scheduled for this past Sunday was cancelled. The meeting was rescheduled for this Thursday after Bible Study.



Teresa sent these two pictures of a St. Peter's lunch from five years ago - January of 2020. Thank you Teresa for sharing those memories.


Calendar of Events:

Fr. Paul keeps the following weekday schedule weather permitting:

Morning Prayer

     9 am on M Tu W & F

Noon Prayer

   12 pm on M Tu & F

Low Mass & Annointing

     11 am on Wed

January Activities


Thur., Jan. 23

       10 am Choir Practice

       11 am Bible Study, Fr. Paul

Sun., Jan. 26

       9:15 am Christian Education

       10:15 am Morning Prayer

       11 am Holy Communion

            Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike, Mike, Hutch

           Team 2

Thur., Jan. 30

       10 am Choir Practice

       11 am Bible Study, Fr. Paul

February Activities

Sun., Feb. 2

      9:15 am Christian Education

      10:15 am Morning Prayer

      11 am Holy Communion

           Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike, Levi

     12:30 Team 3

Thur., Feb. 6

       10 am Choir Practice

       11 am Bible Study, Fr. Paul

Sun., Feb. 9

       9:15 am Christian Education

       10:15 am Morning Prayer

       11 am Holy Communion

             Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike

       12:30 Potluck

       1:30 Mission Committee


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