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The Second Sunday after Trinity - 2024

"For I say unto you, That none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper."

St. Luke 14:24


Fr. Yossi's sermon from this past Sunday's Holy Communion service discussed the blind spots we all have in our lives and how those blind spots cause us to miss what is right in front of us. Blind spots are very dangerous because they often make us miss important things and leave us vulnerable to Satan. One example is the often repeated teaching of Jesus in which He lays out our life in the simplest of terms: "Love God and love one another." These seemingly simple commandments become even harder to put into action should you have a blind spot. Blind spots block us from seeing people who are hurting, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and financially. It takes attentiveness to see the needs of others. We are called to take action, to help even though it often takes courage to get involved. When we are in unity with God and one another, walking in love for one another, seeing the needs of one another and acting to meet those needs out of love then we are bearing true witness to the glory of God, to the love of God and of God's work which is among us.

Thank you Fr. Yossi for the beautiful service and sermon!

Thank you to Mike and Fr. Paul for serving this past Sunday. We've missed seeing Mike serve during the last year due to health issues. Welcome back Mike!

After services we enjoyed another delicious potluck lunch! Thank you so much to everyone for bringing so much wonderful food!

We also celebrated several birthdays, a wedding anniversary, and an ordination anniversary - congratulations to everyone on these special days.


Fr. Yossi's Christian Education classes which focus on the weekly Gospel lesson and how it ties in with the other daily readings continued this past Sunday. Please join us next Sunday at 9:15 - a pot of coffee will be on!


Andy and Nichole sent these great pictures of Anderson and Annabelle being dropped off at the Anglican Youth Camp held at the Vineyards Campground in Westfield, North Carolina this week.

May they have a wonderful time! I'm looking forward to hearing all about it!


This past Wednesday Fr. Paul led our first Evening Prayer Service. Thank you Fr. Paul for leading such a beautiful service!

We had a wonderful turn out for the service and look forward to many more beautiful services in the coming weeks! Our next Evening Prayer service will be on Wednesday, June 19 at 6pm.


After Evening Prayer, Benita brought in two new kneelers she purchased and donated to St. Peters! They are beautiful! Thank you so much for your very generous gift!


Next Wednesday, June 12, Fr. Yossi will lead a Holy Communion service at 6 pm.

Before the Holy Communion Service, the newly organized St. Peter’s Grief Support Group will meet at 4 pm. The grief support group is led by Fr. Yossi and will meet biweekly.


Please note that Bible Study is cancelled this Thursday June 13 as Fr. Paul is out of town.


Starting next week we will begin collecting items for Hope House. Hope House offers free housing, education, and support to pregnant women in the Kingsport area. More information about their mission is available at their website:

They are in need of diapers, baby wipes, baby food, formula, etc. Please see the full list on the bulletin board downstairs. Please put all items in the basket in the Narthex or the box in the basement. We will collect items for Hope House through the end of July. Thank you to the Special Events Committee for contacting Hope House and setting up this drive.


Construction Update

The 10th week of construction! The altar looked beautiful for the mid week Evening Prayer service with the red altar linens.

The final coat of paint on the trim, finishing up the electrical installation, and reinstalling the carpet against the back wall are the items remaining to complete this project!

Jeff will finish up the electrical this week. Taylor plans to start painting the trim this week.

Diane and I will begin contacting flooring companies this week to reinstall the carpet. Thank you to everyone for your patience as we finish up!


Sue and Scott are moving to Wisconsin in early July so Scott can complete his seminary work. We have scheduled a farewell party for them on Saturday evening June 15 at the church starting at 5:30. Teresa and Rose Marie are coordinating an Italian themed dinner - please put the date on your calendar & let Teresa know if you plan to attend!


A possible men's group is forming focusing on fly fishing and fellowship - please contact Fr. Yossi if you are interested!


June Activities

Wed., June 12 4 pm, St. Peter’s Grief Support Group

6 pm Holy Communion, Fr. Yossi, Scott

Thur., June 13 11 am Bible Study is cancelled as

Fr. Paul is out of town

Sat., June 15 5:30 Sue & Scott farewell party

Sun., June 16 9:15 am Christian Education

10:15 am Morning Prayer

11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Yossi, Scott

sung service with incense

Fr. Yossi discretionary fund

12:30 Team 4

Wed., June 19 6 pm, Evening Prayer

Thur., June 20 11 am Bible Study

Sun., June 23 9:15 am Christian Education

10:15 am Morning Prayer

11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Yossi, Scott

12:30 Team 5 - men's team

Wed., June 26 4 pm, St. Peter’s Grief Support Group

6 pm Holy Communion, Fr. Yossi, Scott

Thur., June 27 11 am Bible Study

Sun., June 30 9:15 am Christian Education

10:15 am Morning Prayer

11 am Holy Communion, Fr. Yossi, Scott

12:30 Team 1


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