And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David: my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.
St. Matthew 12:22

Fr. Paul led our beautiful Holy Communion service on the Second Sunday in Lent. Thank you Anderson for serving with him! Please find Fr. Paul's sermon at the following link:
"The Faith of a Gentile Dog"

Thank you Fr. Mike for leading our Morning Prayer service this past Sunday.
Fr. Mike posted a sign up sheet for Morning and Evening Prayer readers in the Parish Hall. Please consider signing up for this important part of our services!
After services we enjoyed a delicious lunch of beef barley soup, french bread, chopped salad, lemon tiramisu cake, brownies, and pistachio/almond ice cream! Thank you Laurel, Carol, Claudia, Lin, and Rosalind for all the food!

Fr. Paul continued his series of Christian Education classes about Anglicanism. Adult Christian Education classes start each Sunday morning at 9:15. Please find a recording of this Sunday's lesson, at the link below:
Anglicanism 101: What is Anglicanism? - The Celtic Influence

The children's Sunday School class begins at 9:15. We are using the program produced by the APA - "The Life of Christ - From Bethlehem to Emmaus".

On Wednesday, March 19, Fr. Paul will lead Holy Communion Services at 6pm

Choir rehearsal starts at 10 am on Thursday upstairs in the sanctuary. All are welcome to join! Please see Fr. Paul or Rose Marie for more information.

Our Bible Study program, led by Fr. Paul meets on Thursday at 11 am.

Fr. Paul led our first Stations of the Cross service this past Friday night. Please join us on either Friday March 28 and Friday April 11 for these beautiful services.

Please consider a Memorial Contribution towards the lilies used on the alter during our Easter services. Please give the names of your loved ones to Fr. Paul or any member of the Mission Committee and place designated contributions in the collection plate on or before Palm Sunday.

Our 'Burgers and Bingo Night Out" is re-scheduled for Saturday, March 22 at 5 pm. We will be serving burgers with all the fixings for dinner followed by several rousing rounds of Bingo! If you plan to attend please sign up downstairs or contact Rose Marie.

A Spring Work/Clean Up Day to prepare the church for Easter is scheduled for Saturday, April 5 @ 10:00. The work includes trimming bushes, picking up trash around the property, pulling weeds (removing roots), removing some bamboo, and generally sprucing up the yard as well as some deep cleaning in the sanctuary. Please bring your garden tools (shovels, hedge trimmers, clippers, weed wackers, rakes, root slayers, etc...).
The church will provide a pizza lunch for everyone! Please join us as we keep the church looking nice!

Our very own Teresa was sworn in as Elizabethton's Municipal Judge this past week! The gentleman swearing her in is Hon. Stacy Street, Criminal Court Judge. Congratulations to Teresa!

Jessica sent these pictures of their recent visit to the farm owned by family friends in Georgia! Looks like Levi had a great time!
The Archbishop’s office sent out the following information about an upcoming visit to several early Christian sites in Greece and Turkey. Benita and Fr. Paul are seriously considering going and are planning on putting a deposit down (refundable of course) and would love it if others could join.

More information including an itinerary may be found at the following link:
Lenten Devotional

The Lenten Devotional created by Clergy and Special Guests of the G3 Anglican Churches is now available at the following link on our webpage:
Fr. Paul's contribution to this devotional is found on the Thursday after the Third Sunday in Lent.  The devotional is a PDF and may be read on the computer or printed out (FYI it is over 100 pages long).
Lenten Appeal - 2025
The 2025 APA Lenten Appeal goes to support our overseas churches, especially those in India. Please read the information below and prayerfully consider supporting this worthy cause! Please mark any donation as "Lenten Appeal" and place in the offertory.