"So they did eat, and were filled: and they took up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets. And they that had eaten were about four thousand: and he sent them away."
St. Mark 8:8-9
Fr. Scott's sermon focused on the feeding of the 4000 as described in the Gospel lesson from Mark 8. Unlike the more famous feeding of the 5000 reported in all four Gospels, this miracle feeding is only reported in two Gospels, Mark and Matthew. Fr. Scott reviewed the reasons each author had for writing his Gospel and then compared the two feedings. The feeding of the 5000 with the 5 loaves and 2 fishes was near Bethsaida, a largely Jewish area. After everyone ate, the disciples collected 12 hand baskets (small, personal baskets) of leftovers representing the 12 tribes of Israel. The feeding of the 4000 was near Decapolis, a largely Gentile area. After everyone ate, the disciples collected 7 large baskets of leftovers (same word used here that Paul used to describe the large basket he used to escape from Damascus). The seven large baskets represent completeness and the greater reception of Jesus Christ by Gentiles. Fr. Scott also reminded us of the great compassion Jesus had for the crowds. They had walked to the site, spent three days listening & learning, three nights sleeping on the ground, and were getting ready to walk back home without eating. Do we have this kind of patience?
Please find the complete sermon and service on our YouTube channel:
Taylor and Adrienne brought their beautiful baby boy, Ambrose, to church for the first time this Sunday! Welcome Ambrose! May God continue to bless this beautiful family!
This past Sunday, Sue led the third of three scheduled book readings from "Your Healing Is Within You" by the Anglican Bishop Jim Glennon. We have decided to continue the readings for one more week! Thank you Sue for introducing us to this very interesting book! We will meet again before Holy Communion services between 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, August 7. This is not a "new age" book, but rather presents an Anglican view and teaching about praying for divine healing. The book itself is out of print, but used copies are available on the internet (Amazon, etc). Sue has several copies, but depending on how many people come, we may need a few more - so please let Sue know if you are planning to attend so she can work out the number of books needed. Please contact Sue if you have any questions or need more information. Thank you Sue for leading this study!
Regular adult Christian Education will resume on Sunday, August 21 at 10 am.
It is time to order Ordo Kalendars for 2023. Both regular size and pockets calendars are available for $6 each. Please let Daryl know how many and what size you want by this Sunday so the order can be placed!
On Wednesday several of us met for lunch at The Chop House in Kingsport . . .
The food and the company were both wonderful . . .
We also celebrated Lynn and Agnes's July Birthdays!
After the birthday lunch, we met again at the church. Fr. Scott and Teresa hosted an Altar Guild training session for all of us.
Thank you both for taking the time to explain, answer questions, and pass along so much information. Also, many thanks to Teresa, Diane, Rose Marie, and Carole for all their years of devoted work as part of the Altar Guild!
Carole shared these amazing pictures from her recent family vacation! She went deep sea fishing for the first time and was successful!! Looks like she had a great time!
Mike and Claudia sent these beautiful pictures from their vacation in Fall Creek Falls State Park. They were joined by many of their handsome and beautiful grandchildren!
Sue continues to lead our weekly online prayer group on Wednesday at 11:30. We are returning to the Discord platform for these meetings. Thank you so much Sue for taking the time each week to lead our prayers! If you have a special prayer request but cannot join us, please send your request to Sue. Please contact Rosalind if you would like to join us on Discord.
Our congregational meeting has been rescheduled for Saturday, August 13. During this meeting we will consider ideas and visions for the future of our Parish, our building, Sunday School and Worship times, etc. We will have breakfast in the Parish Hall for those who would like to come a little early at 8:00am. The meeting will start at 9:00am and finish no later than 11:30am. Please try to come or send a member of your family. If you cannot be there, please send Br. Scott any ideas or suggestions you would like discussed.
Sunday, August 14, is our monthly pot luck luncheon! Please remember to bring a dish to share!
August Activities
Wed., Aug 3 11:30 Online Prayer Group
Sun., Aug 7 9:30 "Your Healing is Within You" reading