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The Sunday called Sexagesima, or the second Sunday before Lent

But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.

St. Luke 8:15


This past Sunday, Fr. Paul was scheduled to attend a funeral in Nashville but ended up ill. Luckily, Bp. Jones had given permission for Fr. Mike to lead our Holy Communion service.

Fr. Paul sent the following message:

He will return to his normal routine this week. |Weather permitting, office hours are as usual, noon Mass on Wednesday, Bible Study on Thursday and Christian Education will resume next Sunday.


Fr. Mike led both our Morning Prayer and Holy Communion Services this past Sunday. Thank you Fr. Mike for the beautiful services and for stepping in while Fr. Paul was out of town.

After services we enjoyed a delicious buffet lunch served by the Men's Team. They served chili, meat balls,fried chicken, homemade biscuits, tossed salad, cake, and a cookie cake. The cookie cake was a birthday cake for Misty - Happy Birthday Misty!


Fr. Paul will resume his series of Christian Education classes about Anglicanism next Sunday at 9:15.



The children's Sunday School class begins at 9:15. We are using the program produced by the APA - "The Life of Christ - From Bethlehem to Emmaus". Diane, Jessica, and Rosalind are teaching the classes.


Choir rehearsal starts at 10 am on Thursday upstairs in the sanctuary. All are welcome to join! Please see Fr. Paul or Rose Marie for more information.


Our Bible Study program, led by Fr. Paul meets on Thursday at 11 am.


Lent Begins - Create and Make in us new and contrite hearts . . .

 Shrove Tuesday, commonly known as Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras, marks the end of the pre-Lenten season, with Lent starting on Ash Wednesday. Traditionally, pancakes are served on Shrove Tuesday. Please join us for pancakes, bacon, and beverages as well as fellowship and lively conversation on Tuesday, March 4 at 5 pm. We hope to see you there!

Please join us at 5 pm, March 5 as we observe the beginning of Lent at our Ash Wednesday Service. Fr. Paul will lead the service.


Still looking for Spring! Instead we got a very late dose of winter!

Elaine and Garrett's yard.

Diane's yard with a beautiful cardinal!

View from Fr. Paul and Benita's front porch.

My front yard!

I am so ready for Spring!

Praying everyone stays warm, dry, and healthy until then!


Calendar of Events:

Fr. Paul keeps the following weekday schedule:

Morning Prayer

      9 am M, Tu, W, Th, & F

Noon Prayer

    12 pm M, Tu, & F

Low Mass & Anointing (Healing)

      11 am Wed

Bible Study

11 am Thursday

Choir Practice

10 am Thursday

February Activities

Thur., Feb. 27

       1:00 Mission Committee

March Activities

Sun., March 2

        9:15 am Christian Education

        10:15 am Morning Prayer

       11 am Holy Communion

              Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike, Anderson

    Team 1

Tues., March 4

5 pm Shrove Tuesday Pancake dinner

at the church

Wed., March 5

5 pm Ash Wednesday service

Holy Communion

Sun., March 9

        9:15 am Christian Education

        10:15 am Morning Prayer

       11 am Holy Communion

              Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike


Wed., March 12

6 pm Evening Prayer

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