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The Third Sunday after the Epiphany - 2025

And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there: . . . This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him.

St. John 2:1 & 11


Thank you Fr. Paul for officiating the beautiful Holy Communion Service this past Sunday! Thank you, Fr. Mike and Hutch for serving with Fr. Paul!  Please find Fr. Paul's sermon at the following link:

"The Epiphany in the Wedding in Cana"

Thank you Fr. Mike for leading our Morning Prayer service this past Sunday.

Fr. Mike posted a sign up sheet for Morning Prayer readers in the Parish Hall. Please consider signing up for this important part of our services!

After services Lynn and Laurel of Team 2 served a delicious lunch of Caesar salad, ham, sweet potato casserole, bread, and Cranberry Apple Crumble dessert! Thank you so much for all your work and the wonderful food!


Fr. Paul began the 'Anglican Worship' series of lessons this past Sunday with Lesson 1 "Current State of Anglicanism - The Tarsitano Triangle (pt 1)".

Please find a recording of the first lesson, at the link below:


The children's Sunday School session begins at 9:15. We are using the program produced by the APA - "The Life of Christ - From Bethlehem to Emmaus". Diane, Jessica, and Rosalind are teaching the classes.


Choir rehearsal starts at 10 am on Thursday upstairs in the sanctuary. All are welcome to join! Please see Fr. Paul or Rose Marie for more information.


Our Bible Study program, led by Fr. Paul meets on Thursday at 11 am.


The Presentation of Christ in the Temple


Rose Marie is organizing a 'Burgers and Bingo Night Out" on Saturday, February 15 at 5 pm. We will be serving burgers with all the fixings for dinner followed by several rousing rounds of Bingo! Rose Marie will put out a sign up sheet next Sunday.


Agnes wants to thank everyone for praying for her great grandson, Hudson, this past week. He had a very bad reaction to a vaccine and spent some time in the PICU. He is now home and doing much better - Praise the Lord!


Calendar of Events:

Fr. Paul keeps the following weekday schedule:

Morning Prayer

      9 am M, Tu, W, Th, & F

Noon Prayer

    12 pm M, Tu, & F

Low Mass & Annointing

      11 am Wed

Bible Study

11 am Thursday

Choir Practice

10 am Thursday

February Activities

Sun., Feb. 2

       9:15 am Christian Education

       10:15 am Morning Prayer

       11 am Holy Communion

            Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike, Levi

      12:30 Team 3

Sun., Feb. 9

        9:15 am Christian Education

        10:15 am Morning Prayer

       11 am Holy Communion

              Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike

        12:30 Potluck

Thur., Feb. 13

       1:30 Mission Committee

Fri., Feb 15

5 pm 'Burgers and Bingo Night Out!'

Sun., Feb. 16

        9:15 am Christian Education

        10:15 am Morning Prayer

       11 am Holy Communion

              Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike

Discretionary Fund

        Team 4

Sun., Feb. 23

        9:15 am Christian Education

        10:15 am Morning Prayer

       11 am Holy Communion

              Fr. Paul, Fr. Mike, Mike, Levi

    Team 1



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