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The Twentieth Sunday after Trinity

"The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son, and sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and they would not come."

St. Matthew 22:2-3


Thank you Fr. Yossi for officiating the beautiful Holy Communion Service this past Sunday! Thank you Fr. Paul and Anderson for serving with Fr. Yossi!


Thank you Fr. Paul for leading our Morning Prayer service this past Sunday.

Fr. Paul has posted a sign up sheet for Morning and Evening Prayer readers in the Parish Hall. Please consider signing up for this important part of our services!


Fr. Yossi's Christian Education classes which focus on the weekly lessons and how they tie in with the other daily readings continued this past Sunday. Please join us next Sunday at 9:15 - a pot of coffee will be on!


After services we enjoyed a delicious potluck lunch!

and we celebrated October birthdays and anniversaries!


Fall Yard Work Day

This past Saturday we enjoyed a beautiful day and a very successful Fall Yard Work Day!

Melinda and Teresa working on the front!

Jim dragging bamboo to the road for pickup.

Lin cleaning the doors.

By the time we were done all the beds were weeded, the bushes trimmed, the Memorial Garden cleaned up, the bamboo & ivy removed from the back fence line, and the bush beside the outdoor stairs was gone! Also, the kitchen was cleaned out and rearranged!

And then we enjoyed some pizza for lunch!

Thank you to everyone for all your hard work! The grounds look wonderful! Remember our indoor clean up day after services on Saturday, November 2 @ 10 am (All Souls Day) to finish getting the church ready for the Bishop's visit!

Wednesday Evening Services:

Due to darkness & possible inclement weather our last regularly scheduled Wednesday evening service will be on Wednesday, October 30. We will restart in Lent of 2025!

Fr. Paul led a beautiful Evening Prayer service this past Wednesday and will lead our next Evening Prayer service on Wednesday, Oct 16 at 5:30 pm.

Fr. Yossi will lead our next Wednesday evening Holy Communion Service on October 23.

Before the Holy Communion Service, the St. Peter’s Grief Support Group will meet at 4 pm.



Thursday Activities

Our Choir is holding rehearsals at 10 am on Thursday upstairs in the sanctuary under Rose Marie's direction. All are welcome to join! Please see Fr. Yossi or Rose Marie for more information.

Our Bible Study program, led by Fr. Paul, will resume this Thursday at 11 am.  The study is using the "Dust to Glory" study guide and DVDs originally created by the renowned Christian scholar Dr. R.C. Sproul.


The Anglican Anglers, the men's fly fishing group, are scheduled to meet again on Saturday, November 2 at 5:30 at the church. They will be practicing tying lures (hopefully I have the right terms). Updates to come.

Carol's husband, John, was an avid fisherman. This past week she donated many of his fishing tools and supplies to the church for the Anglican Anglers to use. Thank you Carol for your generous and heartfelt donation!


Bishop's Visit

Bishop Jones is visiting St. Peter's on Saturday, November 9 and Sunday, November 10! On Saturday the Bishop will celebrate a Church dedication (the mortgage is paid off!) and Holy Communion at 11 am. On Sunday he will be confirming and receiving several of our new members along with celebrating Holy Communion. After Sunday services we will celebrate with a luncheon including lasagna and other fixing - more information to come! Please join us for these very special services!

Please let us know if you plan to attend the Sunday luncheon so we can arrange for the food and seating!


The Most Rev. Walter H. Grundorf, D.D., the previous Presiding Bishop of the Anglican Province of America and bishop of the Diocese of the Eastern U.S (DEUS) was recently diagnosed with lymphoma. Bishop Grundorf and Mary, his wife, have requested we stay positive and encouraged with them that this can be treated and cured. Your fervent prayers for Bishop and Mary and for all medical personnel’s discernment and wisdom are greatly appreciated and felt.

O FATHER of mercies and God of all comfort, our only help in time of need; We humbly beseech thee to behold, visit, and relieve thy sick servant Walter - Bishop, for whom our prayers are desired. Look upon him with the eyes of thy mercy; comfort him with a sense of thy goodness; preserve him from the temptations of the enemy; and give him patience under his affliction. In thy good time, restore him to health, and enable him to lead the residue of his life in thy fear, and to thy glory; and grant that finally he may dwell with thee in life everlasting; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 


Our Annual Congregational Meeting is coming up on Sunday, November 17. An operating budget must be submitted and approved by the congregation for the next church year. In order to establish a budget we must ask for pledges. Please prayerfully consider and submit your pledge by Sunday, October 27. As in the past, we ask only for anonymous pledges dropped in the offertory plate or sent in the mail to the church. The pledge slips will be tallied and then destroyed as we do not track pledges. There are blank pledge sheets in the Narthex.

Also, we will have two open positions on the Mission Committee. The new members will be elected to 3 year terms which start on Jan 1, 2025. Please let Fr. Yossi or one of the current Mission Committee members know if you are interested in running for one of these very important positions.


Lunch at Chop House and By the Fireside: Symphony of the Mountains Holiday Concert - Saturday Dec. 7

The Symphony of the Mountains is having their 'By The Fireside' Christmas Concert on Saturday, December 7 at 3 pm at the Toy F. Reid Eastman Employee Center in Kingsport. Rose Marie has made before the concert lunch reservations at The Chop House in Kingsport at 11:30.

Please let us know by Sunday, November 17 if you plan to attend the lunch and/or the concert. As a group, we received a reduced concert ticket price of $35 payable to St. Peters also on November 17 (we have to pay as a group to get the reduced rate). Rose Marie will pick up the tickets and distribute before the concert.


October Activities

Wed., Oct. 16 5:30 pm Evening Prayer

Fr. Paul

Thur., Oct. 17 10 am Choir Practice

11 am Bible Study, Fr. Paul


Sun., Oct. 20 9:15 am Christian Education

10:15 am Morning Prayer

11 am Holy Communion

Fr. Yossi, Fr. Paul, Hutch, Anderson

sung service with incense

Fr. Yossi discretionary fund

12:30 Team 3

Wed., Oct. 23 4 pm, St. Peter’s Grief Support Group

5:30 pm Holy Communion

Fr. Yossi, Hutch, Levi, Fr. Paul

Thur., Oct. 24 10 am Choir Practice

11 am Bible Study, Fr. Paul

Sun., Oct. 27 9:15 am Christian Education

10:15 am Morning Prayer

11 am Holy Communion

Fr. Yossi, Mike, Anderson

12:30 Team 4

Wed., Oct. 30 5:30 pm Evening Prayer

Fr. Paul

Thur., Oct. 31 10 am Choir Practice

11 am Bible Study, Fr. Paul

November Activities

Fri., Nov. 1 All Saints' Day

5:30 pm Holy Communion

Fr. Yossi, Hutch, Fr. Paul

Sat., Nov. 2 All Souls' Day

10 am Holy Communion

Fr. Yossi, Levi, Anderson, Fr. Paul

11 am inside clean up for Bp.'s visit

Sun., Nov. 3 9:15 am Christian Education

10:15 am Morning Prayer

11 am Holy Communion

Fr. Yossi, Anderson, Levi

12:30 Team 5

Thur., Nov. 7 10 am Choir Practice

11 am Bible Study, Fr. Paul

Sat., Nov. 9 11 am Church Dedication

Holy Communion

Bp. Jones, Fr. Yossi,

Fr. Paul, Hutch, Anderson, Levi

Sun., Nov. 10 11 am Holy Communion


Bp. Jones, Fr. Yossi,

Fr. Paul, Hutch, Anderson, Levi

12:30 catered lunch with the Bishop


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